Navigating All Things Divorce...One Wave at a Time...

Navigating All Things Divorce...One Wave at a Time...

Let me guess….

You’re feeling isolated, angry, crazy and confused even…

You find yourself wanting to smash your electronics when your ex reaches out. You hear the notification and immediately see red.

You cannot believe how low your ex will go just to hurt you.

You find yourself trauma dumping about your ex onto your friends, family, even your attorney…any one who will listen.


You found me because you are searching for a way to move forward, find peace, and stop giving your ex all of your energy. You are desperate for a way to stop your triggers, deactivate your fight or flight response, and become less reactive.


I see you.

While professionally I am a certified divorce recovery coach and coparenting mentor, personally I have been where you are and I “did divorce” ungracefully. I was obsessed with emotional justice.

I have made it my life’s work to show you how to “do your divorce” gracefully, to heal, to choose yourself, and to redefine justice.

Let’s get to work!

“Why a Coach?”

Why not?

Seriously, if you are thinking of divorce, don’t make your first call to an attorney! Make it to a coach… Make it me! I will be your ADVOCATE, invested solely in YOU and YOUR best interest! Together we will navigate the emotional side of divorce so that you are empowered to show up as your best self, confident and ready for the future.

Let me help you save money while we are at it! Divorce can wage war on all aspects of your life and potentially blindside you into costly, lengthy litigation. Potential expenses associated with litigation:

Filing Fees, Attorney Fees, Guardian ad Litem Fees, Court Costs, Process Servers, Private Investigators, Therapists, Evaluations, Mediation + Missed Time from Work

More conflict = More energy, time, and money

Divorce and co-parenting with an ex can both be emotionally challenging experiences. Ones that involve numerous decisions, ranging from property division and child custody arrangements to financial matters to who keeps the dog… My coaching offers a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to express their feelings, frustrations, and concerns. I provide expertise, emotional support, and a plan for your future so that you can navigate this journey with ease. I provide guidance to make informed decisions that align with the my client's priorities. 

The American Bar Association recognizes coaching/consulting as an alternative dispute resolution method.  Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are crucial during divorce proceedings. As your divorce coach, I assist you in improving your communication skills, it only takes one to have more effective communication! I provide strategies to navigate difficult conversations, manage conflict, and promote constructive dialogue to achieve more favorable outcomes. We work together to deactivate your nervous system, your fight-or-flight response, that kicks in when dealing with your ex. You will approach this journey with a clear head, credible, and filled with grace so you can claim the future YOU deserve.

My Coaching

In a society where divorce can be viewed as a failure and can feel so isolating, my mission is to provide a safe space for individuals to feel supported, heard, and empowered. I believe in the power of authenticity – embracing your truth, unpacking your emotional story, and honoring your unique journey.

I go beyond just emotional support. I specialize in healing the nervous system, recognizing the toll divorce takes on both your mental and physical well-being, impacting how you show up for yourself and as a coparent. Through tailored techniques and practices, I help you regulate your nervous system, reducing anxiety, and restoring a sense of calm and balance to your life.

My work doesn't stop there. I specialize in co-parenting guidance, helping parents cultivate healthy, cooperative relationships for the well-being of their children. Together, we focus on effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating a nurturing environment where children can thrive despite the challenges of their parents divorce.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of healing, authenticity, and positive co-parenting, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's navigate this chapter together and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

Redefining Justice

Book your very first 1:1 call with me and experience the first step in your transformation to a peaceful post-divorce life.

  • Personalized Guidance: During our 1:1 calls, I will provide you with personalized guidance tailored to your unique divorce and co-parenting situation. Together, we will unpack your emotional journey by addressing your specific challenges and developing effective strategies to overcome them.

  • Parallel Parenting: I will teach you this co-parenting approach where divorced or separated parents disengage from each other while remaining actively involved in their children's lives, focusing on minimizing conflict and promoting stability.

  • Expert Advice: As a Co-Parenting Specialist, I have years of experience helping individuals navigate the complexities of co-parenting. I will share my expertise and provide you with practical advice to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and create a positive parallel parenting environment.

  • Emotional Support: Whether you are just thinking of divorce, caught in the throes of a contentious battle or co/parallel parenting, it can all be such an emotionally charged experience, but you don't have to face it alone. During our time together, I will offer a safe and supportive space for you to express your feelings, vent your frustrations, and gain the emotional strength needed to navigate your way forward with confidence. I have unique strategies (in the form of homework!) that will help you heal, starting on day one.

  • Deactivate your nervous system: We all know about "fight or flight" but did you know that our bodies cannot tell the difference between a bear and a trigger from our ex? Together, we will work to deactivate your nervous system, decrease anxiety, and stop the triggers that drain your energy.

  • Accountability and Follow-Up: I will provide ongoing support and accountability to ensure you stay on track with your journey. I will check in with you regularly, offer additional resources, and provide guidance as you implement the strategies we discussed.

Don't let divorce and co-parenting challenges hold you back from experiencing a peaceful and fulfilling future. Together, we can create a harmonious dynamic that benefits both you and your children.

My signature packages include either a 3, 6, or 9-month commitment to your healing and will be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Discounts and Payment plans are available!

I know if you are anything like I was years ago, you are feeling a little lost, very angry, and ALONE...

I sat right where you are wondering if things would ever be bright again, if I would ever not feel broken. I promise you the sun will rise again and so will you...

Let me tell you a little about my story...

I survived my own divorce, barely, and am still navigating the subsequent co-parenting journey. I am also a survivor of a lengthy, expensive, custody battle riddled with conflict, alienation tactics, extortion, and false allegations. I may have survived both, but I did so very….ungracefully.

My journey through the family court system burned who I once was to the ground. Leaving me with a host of health issues, including a panic disorder and a trauma response that has taken years, and a great deal of inner work, to even begin to heal.

I am rising from the ashes of what was intended to destroy me, writing one hell of a comeback story…

Let me help you do the same!

Meet Dr. Courtney


It is time we start changing the narrative, normalize parallel parenting, and start healing on day 1 of divorce! Dive into this episode to find out how!

If you are needing extra support, please feel to reach out! I am here to make this journey feel less isolating and more empowering.

Can healing and co-parenting co-exist? Expert guidance fostering emotional wellbeing by mastering the art of peaceful communication, setting boundaries, and regulating your nervous system.

Together we unpack the term “High Conflict”, and why labeling everyone as a “Narcissist” is concerning. How do these terms help us find support? I share my experience being both a bio-mom and stepmom navigating a challenging “co-parenting” dynamic. How do I lead with love and understanding, despite false allegations and endless court dates? What are my words of wisdom? Listen In! ⁣

We had a deep discussion about the power of forgiveness and healing after experiencing difficult relationships, especially divorce. We also talked about the physical toll that stress and unresolved emotions can take on our bodies, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and grace during challenging times.