
I recently had someone threaten to "expose all of my secrets"... mind you this was simply in response to me holding firm to my truth and boundaries... Nonetheless, it was said to elicit some sort of fear response from me, but it didn't, which caused me pause. I decided I needed to explore why and this is what I came up with... I am on a first-name basis with the skeletons in my closet... we know each other well, and I visit them often... I made peace a long time ago with my mistakes, and believe me there are lots, of all shapes and sizes. I was a misguided youth that hurt people, one that was not always honest... I grew into a selfish young adult that had a lot of growing up to do... Do I continue to make mistakes now, in my middle-ish age? Yes, every single day. I am a flawed human and have no misconception that I will continue to misstep from time to time.  Sure I could make excuses and place blame on others for all of my errors in judgement, but that wouldn't do anyone any good... I could run around sending apology letters and begging for forgiveness, but that would only unearth things long put to rest. Am I justified in some of my wrongdoings, were some of my tit-for-tats warranted, YES... However, I am no longer interested in making excuses for the part I played ... the people who have wronged me can decide what they want to do with their skeletons. I am here to dance with mine and continually be reminded why I won't add any more to my closet. So, give it your best shot, spill all my tea. 

