In the waves of change, we find our true direction…

My PROVEN 4-step program will help you commit to finding your PEACE post-divorce, redefining the justice you crave, and THRIVING as you cruise on the high road of your co-parenting journey.

Together we will :

-Start with healing your nervous system and deactivating your triggers. This sets you up with the ability to respond to your ex, rather than react. This will be the foundation to a less contentious divorce and peaceful path forward.

-Unpack your emotional story and redefine the justice you are seeking. Despite whose “fault” the end of your marriage may be, emotional justice does not exist and should not be your sole focus. We will work through letting go and moving in the direction of your new chapter, free of blame, guilt, or fear.

-Learn effective communication strategies that decrease conflict and help you maintain your sanity. We will work through alternate dispute resolution techniques that are part of a process of resolving conflict without having to involve the court system.

-Build a conflict-reducing parenting plan and divorce strategy. Whether you have just started the process, already lawyered up, or trying to navigate a post-divorce world, lets strategize an action plan that is best for YOU.

Click Below for a FREE Consultation

Redefining Justice

In this top-tier, transformative, package we can unpack your emotional story, learn effective communication strategies, build a conflict-proof parenting plan, and learn to heal your past starting with your nervous system. Together we will deactivate your fight-or-flight triggers so that you can show up in your life, free of distractions.

This package is PERFECT if you are thinking about divorce, just starting the process, or even in the midst of a coparenting war.

This package includes -30- 1:1 calls with email follow-ups. The 9-month commitment includes unlimited email and text access

*You can book additional sessions if needed at a discounted, client-only rate.


In this package we can unpack your emotional story, learn effective communication strategies, build a conflict-proof parenting plan, and/or learn to heal your past starting with your nervous system. I will meet you where you are in your journey!

This package includes -12- 1:1 calls with email follow-ups.

*You can book additional sessions if needed at a discounted, client-only rate.

The How-To’s

We will unpack your emotional story and learn effective communication strategies and “how to” respond rather than react to your ex.

This package is great if you are trying to navigate how to respond appropriately to your ex. Or if you are preparing for mediation or upcoming court appearances. We will work together so that you can show up as your most competent, confident self.

This package includes -6- 1:1 calls with email follow-ups.

*You can book additional sessions if needed at a discounted, client-only rate.
