What is a Divorce Coach/Co-parenting Specialist?

Thank you so much for visiting!!! 

If you are here you are likely wondering how I can help you or maybe just what the heck a divorce coach is... keep reading and I will fill you in! 

In full transparency, I have been trying to come up with a witty slogan, some soaring speech, to really explain what I do, to embody all the passion that I have, but the reality is, I am not witty. I am down to earth, I am blunt, I am sarcastic, I am real…I stutter and speak at warp speed when I am nervous, and I am just plain not good with words, but I am good at listening and supporting people. So, let me set the poor attempt at wittiness aside and just explain what a divorce coach is and what I can do for you, that is why you are here anyway, right?! 

I want to first start with my why... why did I become a coach and why am I so passionate about my clients. I wish we could have had a divorce coach by our sides these last 8 years, instead of money-hungry attorneys. We spent countless hours, to the tune of over 100+ filings/appearances, in family court facing battle after frivolous battle and shelling out more and more money, just lining the pockets of the "justice" system. (I had NO clue that courts collect .66 per dollar on child support.... WHAT?!?) We were forced to pay a legal professional to further rip an already broken family apart simply for financial gain. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment... I knew something needed to CHANGE and it was not going to be the corrupt system. So, rather than thinking how do I help people IN court? I want to help people AVOID court. (When possible, obviously!) 

So, how do I do that? 

In a sometimes futile attempt at surviving our very own nightmare, I launched myself into any case study, law book, forum, and class I could in order to educate myself. It was the only way I felt like I could save our family. I began telling our story to anyone who would listen, which was nerve-wracking, most people simply just did not understand. Some said "there must be a reason" and others said it sounded like a made-up Lifetime movie. (If you find yourself saying, "I can't make this up" several times a day then you are likely tangled up in family court!) But then something shifted, I started hearing from people with similar stories and I began to realize we were FAR from alone in this nightmare. Soooo many people were thrust into the world of family court, where false allegations, alienation, and extortion run rampant with no consequences. These people were drowning emotionally and financially, just like us. The only thought I had, there has to be a better way... 

So, I took a divorce coaching class, a deep breath, said a prayer, and launched my business... 

I began coaching clients as just a side gig, but have recently decided to transition out of my 20-year career and dive fully into my business, educating myself will all of the facets of family court, dispute resolution, parenting post divorce, and recovery. Why not become a lawyer you ask? Yeah, no thanks.... I would never... While there are good ones out there, they are so few and far between, I have no interest in joining the ranks of corruption.

What I am interested in, is helping people navigate their story, feel less alone, and see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. That coupled with my extensive personal experience will help more clients stay OUT of family court and AWAY from attorneys/judges/guardians as much as possible. 

If any of this resonates with you, please reach out! I would love to connect and help you find your way!

Together, we can rise out of the ashes!  


The Silver Bullet


Safe Space