My Book

I'm sharing all of this, our story, from my perspective, with my husbands full permission. One day he might share his with the world, but for now I will respect that he’s just not ready.

False allegations during a custody battle landed my husband in jail for 30-days... think it can't happen to you? Only guilty people are in jail, right? Yea we thought the same thing... Until the day our reality, as we knew it, burned to the ground.

The night I had to drop him off it was snowing, flakes that looked like giant ashes falling from the sky. I would later come to appreciate the irony of that observation, sit tight and I will explain it. It was so cold that night, I know you are thinking "well duh it was snowing", but it just doesn't get cold like that where we live. It was a bone chilling, feel it in your soul, uncontrollable shivering type of cold. I spent that day wrapped in a blanket next to him on the couch. I was in an anxious fog, a sense of denial so thick it was disorienting. I don't think either of us said more than a few words the entire day. My body physically hurt, my chest was so tight that it took immense amounts of effort and energy to take even the shallowest breath. I prayed, desperately, with each passing moment that something, anything, would change the inevitable. I had prayed that same prayer for weeks leading up to this day… We waited until the last possible minute to leave the safety and warmth of our home, the warmth of each other. I don't remember much about the 7-minute drive there, other than those ash-like flakes falling from the sky and the excruciating chest pain. In those moments I had an overwhelming awareness that heart break is, in fact, palpable.


If I were reading this story I would have so many questions right now. Is the justice system truly this broken? Was he really guilty? If he was innocent, how did he wind up in jail? What were the allegations? How did we survive? Truth be told, I am still trying to figure some of those things out myself! I have come to terms with the fact that I may never have all of the answers and I will never have faith in our justice system again. One thing I never questioned, his innocence. The evidence is irrefutable and truly speaks for itself. I even have a letter, written to me, date stamped, and even signed by the ring leader of the allegations, admitting her part in it, ya have to love the stupidity there. Like I said, it is almost impossible once you are wrapped up in the court system to get out. I never realized that before this nightmare. I had faith and trust in our justice system, yes you can say it now, I was so very naive, so immature, so … stupid. I truly thought all judges, cops, and lawyers actually upheld the law as they are sworn to do. I quickly learned that the majority of them do the exact opposite for financial gain. There were so many back room deals being made, it makes me sick to even think about it. More advice to come, but one quick thing I learned very early in this process, the more money you are willing to spend in your defense, the more defense you will have to buy.... I actually heard a judge say, in open court..."No one is actually presumed innocent".

Pre-order my book!

Uncaged: Redefining Divorce

Coming January 13th, 2025


The Truth…


The Silver Bullet