The Truth…

This is a long one guys…. But I think it will resonate with so many of you…

I am sharing this on behalf of a client, with his full permission.

This is a recent FB post from his ex-wife… in what would appear to be a tribute to what would have been their 20-year wedding anniversary….

Backstory: This woman has spent almost a decade vacillating between spewing every false allegation in the book, even bribing/manipulating a family member to file false charges, to incessantly begging her ex-husband back. She has said everything from him being a monster who sexually assaulted her under age family member, to a cheating liar with a sex problem, to an adulterous a-hole…(really it was whatever narrative fit the moment)… All the while throwing herself at him, in some truly vile ways, and consistently begging him to come back to their marriage. She has attempted to alienate his children from him under the guise of “protecting them”. She was quoted saying, to multiple different people, that she would “destroy him-financially and emotionally- and take his kids from him if he didn’t come to back to her”.

It is glaringly obvious that her commemorative anniversary post was written in an attempt to paint a picture of martyrdom, that despite “curve balls” and a “failed marriage” she has risen above… however, what she has actually accomplished is an admission of guilt, as confirmed by everyone who has read it and reached out the ex-husband to apologize. This post shines a spotlight on stories not lining up, narratives not matching… It all boils down to written proof that all the false allegations she pushed were nothing more than her failed revenge tactics. After the heinous things that were alleged, there is no way it is chalked up to a “failed marriage” and “curve balls”….you certainly don’t look back on being “happily in love” with a monster…

While I understand the need to put your past behind you, find peace and healing post-divorce, even journaling or blogging your story as a sense of catharsis… I actually promote those things to my clients… that is not what this is, this is the mindset of a very mentally ill individual. To trash someone for nearly a decade and then openly admit that you fondly look back on your marriage, the one that was riddled with allegations of your own making… is absurd…. and repulsive.

For the client…I am proud… they rose above her tactics for almost a decade and waited…for this moment. They were once told, “what is done in the dark, always comes to light”. It sure does…

This is the exact reason that I created this business… to fight against tactics just like these. So many people I have worked with have dealt with similar situations and it is deplorable. Parents, whether mom or dad, should never lose access to their children based on these types of lies, from disordered individuals. It is time that stories like these are shared, heard, and recognized in family court.

*Names in post have been removed for anonymity.


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